suddenly, a nerd attack!
Hm, if I had a Surrealist costume, I'd love to go as the bride, though maybe more discreetly.
Their full-length record features, among other things, beast moans, starling voices, cobra hi hats and arpeggiating pianos.
Philip Glass Scores Again; I Get Wet; You Have a Dirty Mind
An Open Letter To The Common Class From A Captain Of Industry
Dear Lower And Middling Sort,
I have noticed an air of dissatisfaction, a rumbling of disapproval, in the way I'm running my... our business. Now, I know that it seems like I am far removed from your day-to-day jobs on the factory floor. It seems like, "Hey, Old Man Garbo up there doesn't know his girders from his girdles," but I will have you know that every time you send in a small boy to unclog the furnaces and unkink the gears, it's like I'm sending in one of my own children whom I abandoned to the finest boarding schools on the eastern seaboard. I put my gilded leaf-lined pants on one leg at a time, just like you...
Jamiroquai is a very god band.
Did I spell 'good' wrong on purpose?
YOU decide.